For the first time in e-mailing an MP or Party, I've had a reply and it actually gives me the information I needed to know!
Thank you for your email.
The former Coalition Government changed the electoral laws so that after 8pm this Monday, 19 July, people will no longer be able to enrol to vote.
If you are already enrolled you will be able to amend your details until the rolls close at 8pm on Thursday 22 July.
Previously there was a 7 day period which allowed people to enrol to vote after the writs were issued. This period was removed by the former Liberal Government.
A bill to restore the 7 day close of roles period has been held up in the Senate by the Liberal-National Coalition.
These actions make it clear that the Coalition does not support the right of Australians to make their voice heard through the ballot box. If elected, the Gillard Labor Government will repeal these unfair electoral laws returning fairness and transparency to the political process by restoring the seven day close of rolls period.
The Gillard Labor Government is committed to moving forward with Australia’s electoral reform. We have made progress by reducing red tape in electoral enrolments and removing hurdles that prevent people from having their say.
Kind Regards,
ALP Information Services.
My thanks to the above for coming forth with this information.
Unfortunately, there are still going to be thousands missing out on this election and their right to vote.
Now if only we could get rid of "The Coalition" so that ALL Parties { Labor, Liberal, National, Greens}could run on their own merit rather than personalities, then we might have REAL POLITICS in Australia.
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