Monday, July 19, 2010


It took years to convince our councils to go with recycling.
We are told that we do it the best in the country.
The thing is!
We don't see just how much ends up as landfill!
You see, not everyone follows the rules.
Take the units where I live as an example.
They have received the booklet in their mailboxes a number of times telling them what can and cannot be recycled.
Do they take notice?
Only partially!!!!
Instead of cleaning glass jars of food remains they just put them in the bins as is.
Recyclables are deposited in plastic bags, no telling them changes their thinking.
This means that when it arrives at the depot it is immediately catagorised for landfill.
Of late their rubbish and recyclables have been deposited in the same bag in the recycle bins.
We had one tennant who used to go through all the bins, sorting. Or so she said, until I addressed her on it one day and another tennant commented on the factor that people were aware of identity theft and this put the person in a bad light. They haven't sorted through the bins since. Suspicion still surrounds that person as shredded document parts were found scattered from the bins to their door.
Have you had the same problems where you live.
A friend of mine lives in a block of units and finds that the recycle bins and rubbish bins both, have rubbish in them. He has spoken with the other tennants and they just don't care!
His solution was to put a recycle bin into his lock-up garage. At least he knows that his recyclables are clean.
When will people wake up to themselves and do the right thing I wonder?
To find out more about recycling and waste disposal, follow the link below.

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