Thursday, July 22, 2010

Council Destruction

Council Destruction.

Have you noticed that as soon as a new road is laid, a new footpth is finished, the council suddenlyn has to dig it up!

Well, just down the hill from where I live, the council are at it again.
Not only is the road closed. Oh Yeah, they dug a trench across it too, and, it is closed to traffic on one side.
They have dug up the footpath too!
Now this is a common occurrance and we're all used to that.
In this case, when the building on this particular corner was built, they also refurbished the footpath.
Very nicely too.
So what did the workmen do?
Well instead of lifting the tiled parts of the footpath. They just cut through them.
I thought I'd wait to see if they put the pieces back in place. But, NO!
All the detritus was taken away and the recovered trench topped with bitumen.
Not a good look through the middle of cream tiling.

Now council are usually appreciative of someone refurbishing their footpath at no cost to the council.
So, why then not take the care with what they got for nothing??
It just amazes me how stupid beaurocrats can be.
I hope Council have a reasonable answer to this.

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