Well it's been a while since last post.
Black dog has been in the way a lot of the time.
Getting vet treatment via Macquarie University at present.
The major thing to PISS ME OFF in 2012 has been the election og the LNP with such a major majority. Are we to return to the Bejelke Peterson era again.
These people seem to be very uninformed and ignorant people.
Religious beliefs have no place in politics.
Already they have turned the tide by revoking ceromony for Civil Unions for Gay People!!
Without this legality, the berieved party in the event of death of one or the other partner, have no rights which prevail in a Heterosexual Marriage.
I've known couples who have been together for 20 or more years where the surviving party has no rights after the death of their partner.
Yet a Hetero couple who have been together for two years or more and breaking up are entightled to Palomony or a part of the estate if the partner has died.
Not so in the Gay world.
No Legal rights.
It is about time that we forgot the proprieties of an ancient and today meaningless religious belief and put into place the neccessary and Human laws of legality.
Were the Greeks correct in the factor that Women were for breeding purposes, but. the greatest love was between two men [ I write as a gay male]?
The Pm has come out saying that we should not put so much importance on a legality of union as she has not taken the step of marriage to her partner. She forgets that legaly the law recognises her relationship and if she and her partner were to drift apart, she would still have a claim under palimony laws.
Not so for a gay couple.
No RIGHTS of CLAIM period!
It is about time that we forgot the religious mumbo jumbo and got on with the human side of life.
Alain de Botton stated in his book "Religion for Athiests" that religion has taken the humanity out of being who we are. He doesn't realise how true this is!!!!!
Henry had the right idea with Thomas A'Beckett when he tried seperating Church from State. Church has no right in state.
Tony Abbot puts church before state so that his vision is clouded.
Until our politicians realise this, then we might have some reality in Government thinking!!!!
I would like readers comment on this.
Whilst I have been in a relationship for over 8 years, myself I don't need the boundaries of Marriage or Civil Union, but, I do find it neccessary for my fellow gay brothers.
Black dog has been in the way a lot of the time.
Getting vet treatment via Macquarie University at present.
The major thing to PISS ME OFF in 2012 has been the election og the LNP with such a major majority. Are we to return to the Bejelke Peterson era again.
These people seem to be very uninformed and ignorant people.
Religious beliefs have no place in politics.
Already they have turned the tide by revoking ceromony for Civil Unions for Gay People!!
Without this legality, the berieved party in the event of death of one or the other partner, have no rights which prevail in a Heterosexual Marriage.
I've known couples who have been together for 20 or more years where the surviving party has no rights after the death of their partner.
Yet a Hetero couple who have been together for two years or more and breaking up are entightled to Palomony or a part of the estate if the partner has died.
Not so in the Gay world.
No Legal rights.
It is about time that we forgot the proprieties of an ancient and today meaningless religious belief and put into place the neccessary and Human laws of legality.
Were the Greeks correct in the factor that Women were for breeding purposes, but. the greatest love was between two men [ I write as a gay male]?
The Pm has come out saying that we should not put so much importance on a legality of union as she has not taken the step of marriage to her partner. She forgets that legaly the law recognises her relationship and if she and her partner were to drift apart, she would still have a claim under palimony laws.
Not so for a gay couple.
No RIGHTS of CLAIM period!
It is about time that we forgot the religious mumbo jumbo and got on with the human side of life.
Alain de Botton stated in his book "Religion for Athiests" that religion has taken the humanity out of being who we are. He doesn't realise how true this is!!!!!
Henry had the right idea with Thomas A'Beckett when he tried seperating Church from State. Church has no right in state.
Tony Abbot puts church before state so that his vision is clouded.
Until our politicians realise this, then we might have some reality in Government thinking!!!!
I would like readers comment on this.
Whilst I have been in a relationship for over 8 years, myself I don't need the boundaries of Marriage or Civil Union, but, I do find it neccessary for my fellow gay brothers.
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