Monday, November 1, 2010

The Five Ways

Observances at the [to me] controversial intersection over the past few days.
1] Young man on mobile as he turned just as lights were changing.
2] Driver who sat at crossing until lights turned amber, almost red and decided to take off across the intersection.
3 The 75% of cars not signalling a turn.
Why is it that drivers in a thru and turn lane ASSUME that the car behind knows what they are doing.
4] On Monpellier, the number of cars parked illegally.
5] On sunday, Council working on Monpellier had one lane closed whilst machinery was at work. Signs on footpaths telling people to use opposite footpath only a couple of metres from where work taking place, putting pedestrians in danger as they have to cross where cars were passing. Signs should have been at top and bottom of street.
In reallity the road should have been a one-way street whilst work was in progress.
Further along both Ann and Wickham Streets, Council are setting up their Bike Hire sites.
Problem is, that helmets are not provided with the bike.
You have to be a subscriber to use the system.
You can't be a casual user and use a credit card etc to hire the bike. Early on I emailed council regarding the fact about helmets, they assured me that this was being worked on. Well apparently it hasn't and isn't.

It is amazing how in Brisbane and for the benefit of the SE Queensland, the people in power can really STUFF UP!!!
Take Rachel Nolan [transport minister] for instance. She proposed the recinding of paper tickets for the very faulty GO CARD.
Now she has had to back down on the recinding of the paper tickets as the realisation of temporary GO CARDS is not possible. I have been emailing her since the first announcement, that this was not a good idea and that she should be looking at the London System. This system allows both Card and paper [board] tickets. These tickets are the same size as all other tickets used in England regardless of which company opperates the line.
I see this as a win, both for me and Fiona Simpson who has been against the system from day one.
Now we need to get the disparity in ticket prices changed.
You the reader [if you ARE out there] can change things by contacting your local member or Fiona Simpson at here Maroochydore Officer [email address is available on the QLD Government web site.OR use this link

The most obvious thing at the moment is to get Council and Government doing the RIGHT thing or else we DUMP them.
Myself, I've thought of running for Council as there is so much I see needs fixing!

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